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Student saw Richardson pull trigger

stand still and then drop to the floor.The 15-year-old girl was in the Spinning Wheel club when she saw Charles Roger Richardson pull a gun from his jacket and point it at Ian Jason Simmons, the Supreme Court heard.

stand still and then drop to the floor.

The 15-year-old girl was in the Spinning Wheel club when she saw Charles Roger Richardson pull a gun from his jacket and point it at Ian Jason Simmons, the Supreme Court heard.

She saw one flash and then a few more and then Simmons slumped to the floor as another man gripped Richardson and pulled him outside, the witness, who is not being named, said.

Richardson, 24, of Harrington Sound Road, Smith's Parish, denies attempted murder, wounding with intent, unlawful wounding, using a firearm and possession of a prohibited weapon.

The court has already heard that Mr. Simmons, who is also known as DeSilva, suffered four gun shot wounds and that a bullet also hit Mr. Jermaine Lovell in the hand. The alleged incident took place on October 29 last year in the Spinning Wheel.

Yesterday, the schoolgirl told the court she was in the club on October 29 and saw Richardson leaning against a door.

"I saw a bartender climb over the bar and hit Ian (Simmons). Ian pushed him away and walked over to Richardson. Ian and Richardson were arguing and I went back to the bottom bar,'' she said.

She went away to talk to her cousin, but came back to the club's top bar and saw Simmons and Richardson arguing.

"Ian was moving towards Richardson. I saw Richardson pull the gun from his jacket and point it at Ian.

"I saw a flash coming from the front of the gun. The flash looked like the flash from a cigarette lighter. I saw a few more flashes,'' said the schoolgirl.

"I saw a man grip Richardson and tell him to clear out. Ian was standing but dropped. A man pulled Richardson and pulled him out.'' Simmons suffered four gun shot wounds, one of which ripped through his windpipe. He was in intensive care in the King Edward the VII Hospital for ten days.

Earlier, Kenneth Andre Smith, 25, a truck driver who has known Richardson for about 12 years, told the court he went to the Spinning Wheel with Richardson on October 29.

He said he got to the club at about 11.15 p.m., after first spending some time in another club. He said they were sitting at the bar when he heard something hit a chandelier which shattered.

According to Smith, a bartender jumped over the bar and punched a man. A group of men, he said, then started beating the bartender.

"The fight got to a point where it was just a step away so I stepped towards the stairs and as I moved towards them I heard gun shots.

"I turned around and looked back and saw a man, named Ian, laying on the floor, keeled over, holding his stomach. I saw Richardson holding a gun in his hand,'' said Mr. Smith, who added he was not in a position to see who shot Simmons.

He said after the shots were fired a group of men gripped Richardson, then he turned and left. He also said that several weeks before the incident he had seen Richardson in the Devil's Hole area with a gun.

In a statement to the Police, which was read out in court, Smith said: "There is no doubt in my mind that Charles Richardson shot Ian.'' Under cross-examination by defence counsel Mr. Mark Pettingill, Smith said he had consumed ten bottles of Elephant beer before reaching the Spinning Wheel, where he drank another three double vodkas.

Asked if he had heard of the White Wall Crew, he said yes and that he saw "two or three'' of its members in the Spinning Wheel the night of the alleged shooting with Mr. Simmons.

He said before he went into the club both he and Richardson were checked with a metal detector and at the time of the alleged shooting a "sound clash'' was playing, where one reggae band plays against another.

Mr. Pettingill said: "It was fairly dark in the club and two reggae bands were playing against each other. You had ten Elephant beers and three double drinks.'' The trial continues on Monday before Puisne Judge, the Hon. Mr. Justice Meerabux.