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Students given helping hand after devastating fire losses

Five Bermudian students who lost everything in a blaze that gutted their apartment have each been given $2,000.

The National Youth Council, which is run by Government, has made the donation to the girls, who luckily escaped with their lives after fire ripped through their Massachusetts home in February.

Lynice Nisbett, Lakeefa Smith, Makaba Simmons, Michelle Wainwright and Rhoda Musson are students at Atlantic Union College, an Adventist school in New England.

They lost everything in the fire, including their books, clothes, computers, furniture and personal belongings.

Soon after the blaze, people in Bermuda raised thousands of dollars to help the young students rebuild their lives.

But yesterday youth council chairman Senator Patrice Parris said the council wanted to show practical support, too, by making donations.

She said: "As part of our mandate, we encourage Bermuda's young people to pursue every education opportunity possible.

"These students lost everything in the fire, including immigration documents, school books and personal effects of sentimental value.

"Parents and students often make great sacrifices to meet the high cost of education overseas and it will be difficult for them to start over again.

"This donation will not be able to replace everything they lost, but it will assist in some way. We hope that they will not be forced to give up their studies because of this considerable loss.

"We extend our concern and best wishes to them on behalf of the council, the Government and the people of Bermuda.'' The five women were left with just the clothes on their back as a result of the fire, but, fortunately, they managed to hold on to their lives.

Makiba Simmons, a 25-year-old business administration and sociology major told The Royal Gazette at the time how she had had to grab her young son and flee the apartment block.

She said at the time: "I dressed my son Saundre, grabbed my bag and coat and went outside. The fire spread rapidly, I just couldn't believe it. I lost just about everything. I was able to save a pair of my two-year-old son's shoes.

"I lost all my immigration documents in the fire. I also lost all my pictures of my mother who died in 1994, as well as my son's baby pictures.'' Green is good: Dr Ricardo Navarro of Freinds of the Earth International speaks to children from Francis Patton School about global and local environmental issues.