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Students show the right spirit!

faculty members to come together and have some fun in the sun.Enjoying temperatures of 80 degrees and more, those attending spent the afternoon playing volleyball or indoor soccer, running a mile-long race around the campus,

faculty members to come together and have some fun in the sun.

Enjoying temperatures of 80 degrees and more, those attending spent the afternoon playing volleyball or indoor soccer, running a mile-long race around the campus, bouncing around on the Fun Castle or simply sitting back and chilling out to some music.

Organised by the student council, and funded by the students themselves, the event took place on the College playing field between 1 p.m. and 5 p.m. More than 400 students, lecturers, instructors and administration staff attended.

Council president Nathan Samuels explained the idea behind the second annual Spirit Day.

"Basically we just have this day so that everyone can come together and enjoy themselves,'' he said. "The hope is, that by the end of it, there'll be great improvement in the College spirit.'' He added: "In the evening we'll have a prizegiving ceremony where participants in the various events can receive medals and T-shirts.'' Mr. Samuels described how the student council, made up of a president, a vice-president, a secretary and a treasurer, is given an annual budget from which they can draw funds for events such as Spirit Day.

"The budget is contributed to by each student in their activity funds,'' Mr.

Samuels explained.

Other events organised by the council included "Dress-up Days''. Mr. Samuels said: "Today we have everyone dressing up in the College colours, red and white. But past themes have included mismatch, where people's clothes have to clash, and twin days, where some one has dress exactly the same as someone else.'' The ceremony at the end of Spirit Day includes a draw which gives participants in the "Dress-Up Days'' a chance to win major prizes, including a trip to New York and dinner for two at Ascots.