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Swan denies that UBP is `in disarray

Sir John was replying to comments made by Government Whip Mr. John Barritt who said last week he felt the party was "headed for a showdown''.

disarray over the Independence issue.

Sir John was replying to comments made by Government Whip Mr. John Barritt who said last week he felt the party was "headed for a showdown''.

The Premier said any apparent splits in the party were simply differing views arising in "a party that is responsive to change''.

"We have people with differing views. That is what democracy is all about,'' said Sir John.

Mr. Barritt's statement came after Tourism Minister the Hon. C.V. (Jim) Woolridge urged Sir John to withdraw the Independence Referendum Act.

He joined Education Minister the Hon. Clarence Terceira, backbenchers Mr.

Trevor Moniz and the Hon. John Stubbs and former Minister of Legislative and Delegated Affairs the Hon. Ann Cartwright DeCouto in voicing disquiet over the issue.

Mrs. Cartwright DeCouto quit her Cabinet post over the issue of Independence.

Other members of the party have supported the Premier, including Transport Minister the Hon. Maxwell Burgess who says the party should support Sir John or face possible disaster in a general election should he be defeated on the issue.

Mr. Barritt agreed the UBP was in disarray. He said: "I still see my job ... as to try and bring my colleagues back into caucus to discuss where we are going, and where they think we ought to be going, and to arrive at a consensus.

"But I have to say that from where I sit, the outsider might think this a mission impossible.'' Sir John has spoken strongly in favour of Independence but said the people must decide whether they want to break links with the United Kingdom through a referendum.

The Independence Referendum Act is due to be discussed in the next session of the House of Assembly beginning on Friday May 6.

Declining to comment on Mr. Woolridge's call to withdraw the act, Sir John said: "I do not feel the party is disarray.

"Obviously there is an issue out there that some people agree with and some people disagree with. As time goes on it takes on an uncertain factor and it causes a level of disaffection.'' The UBP Parliamentary group is next scheduled to meet on Thursday morning, but an earlier meeting is possible in light of recent events.