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Teachers uniion opposes Northlands

And the Bermuda Union of Teachers added its support to the fight to keep the primary children at Dellwood Primary School.

for the children.

And the Bermuda Union of Teachers added its support to the fight to keep the primary children at Dellwood Primary School.

The union also wants more funds to bring Dellwood up to the standard of other similar schools.

Government intends to switch Dellwood, on North Street, in Pembroke, with Northlands Secondary School, on Berkeley Road, in Pembroke.

The large Dellwood site is expected to be ideal for a middle school under Government's future education programmes.

Bermuda Union of Teachers General Secretary Sen. Milton Scott warned yesterday that the union's concerns are shared by the Dellwood Primary Parent Teacher Association and numerous members of the community.

Progressive Labour Party Sen. Scott said: "The Northlands Secondary School site is not suited as a primary school and it is doubtful that its `physical plant' can be adequately renovated to accommodate a primary school.

"Moving from a spacious physical plant that Dellwood Primary School currently enjoys, irrespective of its need for extensive renovations to bring it into line with newly renovated additions to places such as St. David's Primary and Francis Patton Schools, is unacceptable.'' Sen. Scott emphasised that the present Dellwood site is much more spacious than the alternative site.

And he added that the Dellwood site was more suitable in other ways for younger children, particularly from a safety standpoint.

He said: "Firstly Dellwood has its own playing field and the children do not have to cross a road to get to it.

"Also if you drive down to Berkeley Road you can see the balconies at Northlands have open steps outside the building, where Dellwood has all its steps inside the building.

"All the bathrooms at Dellwood are on the ground floor, unlike Northlands which is just not suitable for primary school students.'' Sen. Scott said he had spoken to the teachers involved and to the Dellwood School PTA and both felt the move would be unsuitable for the younger children.

He said: "Teachers, parents, members of the community and, most importantly, the children our school system is entrusted to educate deserve better.'' The union has called on Minister of Education the Hon. Clarence Terceira to find an alternative site for the proposed middle school.

Sen. Scott said: "The Minister should leave Dellwood at its current location and allocate the necessary funding to renovate the school to the level of newly renovated additions to other primary schools.

"We further call on the Bermudian public to join in with other community organisations and say `no' to the Ministry of Education's proposal to relocate Dellwood Primary School to the Northlands site.'' Dr. Terceira was unavailable to comment on the union's demands last night.