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Teenagers missing

Jeremy Whitecross, 16, who has run away on previous occasions, was last seen at his Spanish Point home at about 9 p.m. on Friday night wearing a white shirt and grey pants.

Police reported last night.

Jeremy Whitecross, 16, who has run away on previous occasions, was last seen at his Spanish Point home at about 9 p.m. on Friday night wearing a white shirt and grey pants. He is white and believed to have been travelling on a black and yellow DT motorcycle, registration number 108Q.

The girls, both 13, are Starla Humphrey of Harrington Sound in Smith's Parish and Robin Phillips of Old Road in Shelly Bay.

Starla is brown-skinned and 5'5'' tall. She is of solid build and has shoulder length hair.

Robin is also brown-skinned and 5'5''. She was last seen wearing black jeans and a black and white hooded sweat shirt.

Police are appealing to the teenagers to contact the Police Community and Juvenile Services Department.

"Someone there will be willing to listen,'' Police spokesman Sgt. John Dale said.