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Teens among six arrested in series of drug busts

Among those detained was a 15-year-old Warwick youth who was searched by Beach Squad officers on South Shore Road, Warwick, after his nervous behaviour attracted their attention.

The youth was arrested after several packets of a suspected controlled drug were found in his possession, said Police Inspector Coughlin Gibbons yesterday.

In a separate incident late on Friday evening, Police arrested a 16-year-old for a driving offence and a stolen engine.

A subsequent search at Hamilton Police Station revealed more than 20 packets of a suspected controlled drug on his person.

Also over the weekend narcotics officers arrested a 26-year-old Hamilton Parish man and a 21-year-old Devonshire man following a raid on a Hamilton Parish premises on Saturday morning.

A struggle ensued when one of the men attempted to stop one of the officers from searching him.

Several packets of a suspected controlled drug were found and Police are investigating all three cases.