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Terry Roberts wins corporation race

Roberts as their new common councillor.Well over half the town's voters took part in the poll, said Mr. Roberts, who called the turnout "exceptional''.

Roberts as their new common councillor.

Well over half the town's voters took part in the poll, said Mr. Roberts, who called the turnout "exceptional''.

The winning candidate, son of former Mayor Mr. Norman Roberts, got 82 votes.

Building contractor Mr. Louis DeSilva got 69 and travel agency owner Mr. Gary Kent-Smith received 28.

Said Mr. Roberts: "Talking to the voters in the last few days, they have certainly come up with quite a few problems and concerns which I will certainly be looking at.'' These included street lighting, traffic and security, he said.

Mr. Roberts, 42, campaigned on a platform of working with the Corporation and promoting business.

He lives on Stokes Point Lane and his businesses include St. George's Hardware and Paradise Gift Shop.

"I was most pleased with the turnout today,'' he said. "I think it's commendable. The whole town really sat up and took notice and I think a lot of issues were raised which otherwise might not have come to light.'' One hot issue was St. George's narrow tax base, he said. Some rates-payers are simply not paying taxes, while Government- and National Trust-owned buildings have no taxes levied on them.

The election was held to replace Mr. Ross Smith, who was elected alderman in October.

Mr. Roberts is also the nephew of long-time alderman Mr. Fred Roberts.

Mr. Terry Roberts.