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Top marks for Saltus students!

passed five or more General Certificate of Secondary Education exams."Compared with 88 percent last year, and with an average of around 45 percent in schools in England, this indicates education of very good quality,'' principal Trevor Rowell said.

passed five or more General Certificate of Secondary Education exams.

"Compared with 88 percent last year, and with an average of around 45 percent in schools in England, this indicates education of very good quality,'' principal Trevor Rowell said.

He also noted that 25 percent of all the grades earned by the 34 students were `A's.

However, student Roderick Ferguson achieved the most outstanding performance with nine passes, seven A grades of which five were earned with special distinction.

Students in Saltus post-graduate year also achieved distinction, with 100 percent of the entrants gaining achievement grades in the Advanced Placement examination in 13 subjects.

"This has proved again to be an excellent preparation for higher education,'' Mr. Rowell said.

All of the 32 students in the school's Graduate Year Programme, who applied to universities overseas, received positive responses.

The majority of students -- 75 percent -- will be going to Canada, with Dalhousie and Acadia universities the most popular destinations.

Saltus graduates were also accepted at the University of Western Ontario, Queen's University, the University of Guelph, Trent University, St. Mary's University, and St. Frances Xavier University.

The remaining students plan to further their education at universities in the US, including at Yale and Brown.