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Top sales director Zar quits

A story in the May 13 issue of The Royal Gazette incorrectly stated that Tourism' North American Director of Sales designate Toby Dillas ran the defunct Bermudiana Hotel. He was the assistant manager.

The North American sales director for the Tourism Department has resigned after nine years, it emerged yesterday.

Now Paul Zar will join the largest travel wholesaler in the US which head-hunted him.

He told The Royal Gazette : "I do not like the word resigned. It was a business decision. I am not quitting, I am moving on.'' The Department had been in transition with Toby Dillas being trained to assume the position and Mr. Zar said he felt it was in the best interests of all involved if that process was accelerated.

Mr. Zar's responsibilities included developing regional sales objectives, setting targets, setting up regional sales programmes and monitoring results, as well as training, developing and maintaining the sales force.

Tourism director Gary Phillips said his associate's departure was not a great surprise.

"We always knew his departure might be accelerated as he was a very marketable person.

"His contract was due to come to term next year and he was head-hunted.

"When you have a tremendous resource like Paul Zar and the rest of the world knows he will be on the market soon then they had to make some attempt to attract him earlier.

"Sometimes you have to strike when the iron is hot.'' Mr. Zar said he had been approached by Liberty Travel/Go-Go World Wide Vacations (LIBGO) who produced more business for Bermuda than any other wholesaler. He said he would be joining them in a senior executive post.

But Mr. Zar had not left the department in a bad position and was not breaking his contract which ran until September, 1998, stressed Mr. Phillips.

"He has done a good job helping our succession plan with Toby and I am sure he will continue to do so until he leaves at the end of June.'' Mr. Phillips said: "Toby Dillas is the designate and he has been working closely with Paul so he will be ready to succeed him.'' Mr. Zar confirmed that this was the case and added: "We are ahead of plan and under budget.'' And Mr. Dillas was doing brilliantly and had almost completed his training, he continued. "Mr. Dillas is ready to take over. He's first rate and more than capable.'' In a way, said Mr. Zar, his move was good for the Island as he would be taking his experiences of Bermuda with him to the large wholesaler.

LIBGO was the only travel company to have a relation with all of the air carriers serving the Island, he noted.

"So the move is positive for me personally and it's positive for Bermuda,'' said Mr. Zar.

Mr. Phillips agreed: "He's not lost to Bermuda entirely.'' And he added: "I am happy that he is not going to a competitive destination.'' Mr. Phillips said the public should never underestimate the work Mr. Zar had done.

"He has been with us for almost ten years and has really done an absolutely sterling job. There is no doubt that Bermuda has an international sales force that is second to none if not the only sales force of any note.

"He has a great deal of passion for Bermuda and we are extremely grateful. He has been an inspiration to everyone here.

"If he does half as good a job for his future employers as he has done for Bermuda then they will have a very profitable future.'' Tourism Minister David Dodwell was off the Island last night and Shadow Tourism Minister David Allen, who has attacked the department in the past over their retention of Mr. Zar, did not return calls last night.

Mr. Allen demanded that Government select a Bermudian to groom for the position and Mr. Dillas -- who ran the Bermudiana Hotel before joining Tourism's Boston office as a regional manager in 1989 -- was chosen.

Mr. Dillas did not return calls placed to his office.