Voice columnist to continue
had no hard feelings over a front-page article criticising one of his columns.
And Larry Burchall -- whose Burchall's Bermuda is a regular fixture in the BIU-owned Workers' Voice -- said his column would continue.
Mr. Burchall was speaking after a statement by union bosses slammed his attack on the use of non-union labour to rebuild the BIU gas station in Hamilton's Dundonald Road.
Mr. Burchall compared the use of non-union labour by the union to the USA's National Association for the Advancement of Coloured People using the far-right racist Ku Klux Klan as security for its national conference because the bid was the cheapest.
The comparison sparked fury among union bosses, who said the comparison was offensive and said the union had "fought the good fight for workers' rights''.
But last night Mr. Burchall was unrepentant -- he said: "I am an expresser of opinions and the opinions I express are my own and that's it.'' He added: "It doesn't mean I am opposed to the union. I thnk the union has done a superb job and it has a key function to perform.'' The union statement carried on the front page of the Workers' Voice pointed out that the contract for the new gas station was the responsibility of Esso Bermuda Ltd. and that the union had urged the use of unionised firms.
But the statement added that no union firms bid for the contract -- but that the BIU had insisted as many union members as possible be employed on the contract.
Mr. Burchall said: "I certainly understand the reasons why -- but I try to focus so that situation can be seen precisely.'' He added that the union construction division had been severely weakened to the point of virtual disappearance.
And he said: "That is the thing which we must ultimately come to terms with and address.'' NEWSPAPER NJ