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Webster offers new marketing courses

Webster University campus director Dara van Dijk said two seminars in marketing will be made available to the general public for the first time.

Marketing (MRKT 5000) and International Marketing (INTB 5640) will be open to anyone holding a bachelor's degree or has equivalent business experience.

"The marketing course provides a comprehensive overview of the essentials of good marketing procedures,'' explained Ms van Dijk. "This course will be taught by Jeff Straub who is currently the president of Profit Management Consultants, a California firm .'' The course gets underway May 27 and finishes on June 21.

The second course, which runs from June 30 to July 26, will provide participants with an understanding of the principles of practices of international marketing.

"This seminar will be taught by Cheri Tillman, the owner of TradesWorks, a New Mexico export management, consulting and training firm,'' Ms van Dijk added.

Both courses will be held at the Webster University campus on Gorham Road in Hamilton.

For more information on the courses, contact Webster University at 293-6343.