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Windfall returned by honest fireman

a dream come true for some.But firefighter Mr. Arthur Rayner felt he had no choice but do the right thing and turn the money in.

a dream come true for some.

But firefighter Mr. Arthur Rayner felt he had no choice but do the right thing and turn the money in.

As he was driving along Front Street yesterday morning he noticed what he at first thought was paper being carried down the street on a gust of wind.

However, as he got closer, he spotted several $20 bills and immediately brought his car to a screeching halt.

"I jumped out of my car and started collecting the money. Five or six other people started picking it up and one woman came running out of a store saying, `Let me get mine!' It was organised chaos, everywhere I looked there was money,'' Mr. Rayner said.

He added that he and his wife collected a total of $600 from what seemed to be more than $1,000.

"A man on Front Street said he saw the money fall out of the pocket of a man who was riding an auxiliary cycle, but he kept going.'' And honest Mr. Rayner added he would not have dreamed of keeping the money.

Police reported that apart from Mr. Rayner, one other person has turned in money and there have been no reports of money lost.