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Woman victim of purse snatchers

The snatching took place at 2:30 a.m. yesterday morning when the woman, a pillion passenger on a motorcycle ridden by a co-worker, was travelling west along Serpentine Road.

An unknown rider appeared on a black motorcycle and overtook the couple. As he passed he grabbed the bag from the female's left shoulder. He then escaped along Serpentine Road.

The man is described as clean shaven, dark-skinned male in his early twenties.

He was wearing a black and white jacket with a peaked helmet.

The black nylon/canvas bag, with a front zipped pouch, contained $350 in cash, various credit cards, keys and other personal items.

HOSPITAL'S PR PERSON MOVES ON HOS Hospital's PR person moves on Hospital spin-doctor Kendaree Burgess Fairn is to quit her top public relations job, The Royal Gazette has learned.

Mrs. Burgess Fairn said: "I've had an absolutely wonderful opportunity which I'm going to take.'' But she was staying tight-lipped over what her next career move would be, although she confirmed she would remain in public relations.

And a post in the private sector, exempt company arena seems most likely.

Mrs. Burgess Fairn has worked for the King Edward VII Memorial Hospital for nearly four years.

She said: "It's been very interesting for a variety of reasons. I've had a huge variety of situations thrown at me that I probably wouldn't get in any other job.

"Absolutely everything happens at the hospital and it's a tremendous opportunity to practice communications because it's changing all the time and there's a lot going on.'' Mrs. Burgess Fairn is expected to take her new job up sometime after August, although she will leave her current post in July.

THIEVES STRIKE CRM Thieves strike An insecure private residence on Roberts Avenue in Devonshire was unlawfully entered yesterday while the occupant was taking a shower.

Police reported that a Sanyo Compander mobile telephone was stolen from the home.

Also on Sunday morning, a parked car was broken into.

The car, parked outside the St. Johns Church in Pembroke, was locked, but thieves gained access and a miniature Olympus Camera and leather case were stolen.