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Women catch alleged bag snatchers

The mother, who has asked not to be named, and her teenage daughter were walking in front of City Hall when two youths approached from behind and stole her bag.

handbag snatchers.

The mother, who has asked not to be named, and her teenage daughter were walking in front of City Hall when two youths approached from behind and stole her bag.

The youths ran away but were pursued by the women and with the assistance of members of the public, they called the Police and one of the men, a 19-year-old St. George's youth, was caught.

His alleged accomplice, an 18-year-old Smith's Parish man, escaped with the bag containing a small amount of cash and credit cards. He was later caught.

The mother said: "It was the first time anything like that has happened to me. You just do not expect it.

"We chased the men to see where they were going and we were helped by a cyclist and a motorist. Someone who saw what had happened called the Police and they arrived promptly to catch one of the men.

"They later told me they had caught the other man and they returned my bag and all its contents.

"I want to thank the Police for their promptness and the public for helping us. It was very impressive.'' Community relations officer, Sgt. Andrea Brown added the Police's praise for the members of the public who helped in the chase.