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Wrong way to channel aggression

in Freddie's Pub in St. George's over which television station to watch.A 28-year-old Devonshire woman was left with a broken wrist after scrapping with a 36-year-old St. George's woman in the early hours of Saturday morning.

in Freddie's Pub in St. George's over which television station to watch.

A 28-year-old Devonshire woman was left with a broken wrist after scrapping with a 36-year-old St. George's woman in the early hours of Saturday morning.

Police report their enquiries are continuing.

PEACEMAKER TREATED IN ASSAULT CRM Peacemaker treated in assault A nightclubber needed six stitches after intervening in a row in Oasis in the early hours of Saturday morning.

The 31-year-old Hamilton Parish man said he had stopped dancing to diffuse an argument at the Front Street venue but was struck in the face with a sharp object.

He suffered a two-inch cut to his mouth and was taken to King Edward VII Memorial Hospital for treatment.

POLICE CATCH UP WITH WAYWARD TEAN CRM Police catch up with wayward teen Police have finally caught Jeron Douglas, 14, who had been on the run since July 12.

Douglas was arrested on North Shore Road on Friday afternoon and taken to St.

George's Police station.

He had given police the slip when they took him to Shelly Bay in Hamilton Parish to recover allegedly stolen property.

SANDYS NEIGHBOURS KEEP WATCH CRM Sandys neighbours keep watch Thieves hoping to strike in a Sandys Parish neighbourhood must have thought twice with news that residents were planning on keeping a close watch.

Residents of Scotts Hill and Cavello Lane banded together over weekend to stop theft in their beleaguered neighbourhood.

One woman -- who asked to not be identified -- said neighbours planned to hide in the area at night to stop crime after a woman's home and bedroom was entered early on Thursday and a wallet and briefcase were stolen.

"We just want these people that are doing this to be aware,'' she told The Royal Gazette . "I think you might want to put in the paper that we are keeping an eye out for this and they should be aware. We are monitoring this.'' The woman said the neighbourhood had suffered through a spate of thefts including a motorcycle stolen two weeks ago.

"There are going to be people out in unsuspected areas but I won't go into that,'' she said. "We are taking extra precautions.'' TOUR TRAIN KEEPS CHUGGING ALONG TRA Tour train keeps chugging along The Hamilton train service is proving popular with visitors to the Island.

The mini train and carriages takes people on a route around Hamilton, out to the Botanical Gardens and back into the city -- giving vacationers another way of seeing the Island.

Suzanne DeCouto, of the Bermuda Train Company, said the service from Albouy's Point past City Hall and taking in the Bermuda Underwater Exploration Institute, was a success.

But, she added, the route taking commuters to and from the Bulls Head car park into the city, was not proving popular yet.

She said there were some regular users but the idea had yet to catch on with motorists.