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Anglicans get chance to meet candidates for bishop's post

Churchgoers have the chance to meet candidates for the new Bishop of Bermuda at a series of public meetings next week.

People will be able to 'meet and greet' Archdeacon Andrew Doughty and Canon Dr. Patrick White and share any concerns they have over the future role of the Anglican Church.

On September 20, church representatives will elect a new Bishop to fill the post vacated by the Rt Rev Ewen Ratteray's retirement in March.

Next week however, members of the Synod, House of Clergy, House of Laity and other Diocese members will have a chance to meet the candidates at a series of regional meetings.

Canon James W. Francis, Chairman of the Vacancy in See Committee, said: "The meetings are designed to encourage parishioners to share with the candidates any concerns they may have regarding the future role and direction of the Anglican Church of Bermuda."

Archdeacon Doughty is the rector of St. Mary's Church in Warwick, while Canon White is the rector of St. Paul's Church in Paget. Both clergymen are Bermudians.

During the election, whoever gains the majority of votes cast by secret ballot in the House of Clergy and House of Laity will be appointed.

After the Synod votes however, the elected candidate must be approved by the Archbishop of Canterbury, before being consecrated as Anglican Bishop of Bermuda by at least three Bishops of the Anglican Church.

Details of the parishioners' meetings are as follows: Monday, 7 p.m., St. Anne's Church Hall, Southampton;

Wednesday, 7 p.m., Holy Trinity Church Hall, Bailey's Bay; Thursday, 7 p.m., St. John's Church, Pembroke.