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Appeal is refused

a last-ditch bid by Giant Foods to gain a liquor licence.It signalled victory for Warwick Academy and local residents who had fiercely opposed the application.

a last-ditch bid by Giant Foods to gain a liquor licence.

It signalled victory for Warwick Academy and local residents who had fiercely opposed the application.

The school -- sited near the Warwick store -- feared its pupils could be tempted to buy alcohol.

Yesterday Sir James threw out an appeal by Giant Foods to overturn the Liquor Licensing Authority's decision to refuse a license.

He made his ruling moments after lawyer Mr. Steven Hankey wrapped up his case for the store.

Miss Karen Williams and Mr. Kim White, respective lawyers for Warwick Academy and the protesting residents, did not make submissions.

"I will not interfere with the licensing board's decision,'' Sir James announced.

He said he would give his reasons at a later date.

Miss Williams and Mr. White afterwards said they were delighted with the outcome.

Mr. George Whitecross, co-owner of Giant Foods, declined to comment.

Headmaster of Warwick Academy, Mr. Bernard Beacroft, told The Royal Gazette afterwards: "Clearly I am delighted to hear alcohol will not be sold at premises near the school.

"This is excellent for students, staff, and students' parents.

"We are extremely strong on following rules. We don't have a problem of alcohol at the school, and we don't want one to begin.'',