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Ash processing plant contractor decision by December – W&E

Work on the new ash processing plant is due to start in January, with completion expected two months later.

Up to 16 local contractors have expressed an interest in the construction tender, with a decision expected in December.

A Government spokesman said yesterday: "Tender documents have been collected by 16 companies, all of whom are local contractors. We expect the majority if not all of them will submit tenders."

The Ministry of Works and Engineering last week invited contractors to tour the Tynes Bay Waste-to-Energy Facility and the site north of the existing ash plant.

The new facility will remove metals, wood and plastics from incinerated garbage ahead of the ash being mixed into the cement blocks for the airport shoreline.

Currently only non-ferrous metals those containing iron, such as steel are removed.

Government first announced the project in November 2007 to provide a more environmentally-friendly way of forming the cement blocks for land reclamation efforts at L.F. Wade International Airport.

A Ministry of Works and Engineering spokesman said the delay was due to an equipment redesign.

"Tenders were received in 2007 for the turnkey design and installation of the plant, and a preferred equipment contractor was selected. However, the proposal for the ash processing equipment needed further design and refinement," he said yesterday.

"In addition, the building design couldn't be finalised until the process equipment layout was finalised. A contract was therefore awarded to the preferred equipment contractor to prepare a detailed design which went through several alterations before it was finally approved.

"The decision was also taken to remove the building and civil works element from the contract and to tender this locally to local contractors. This required much more detailed design drawings and specifications to be prepared."

He said: "We expect to make a recommendation in December and to award a contract in January 2010. The scheduled completion date is March 2010."

Funds for the ash processing plant have been included in the Ministry's $33 million capital expenditure budget for 2009/10.

A two-storey steel-framed building, 60ft wide by 150ft long, is proposed.