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Bank Foundation donates $1.5m as Island prepares to mark its 400th year

In celebration of the 400th anniversary of Bermuda, the Bank of Bermuda Foundation has donated a total of $1.55 million to four separate charities.

Tall Ships Bermuda Limited, the Bermuda Regiment Charitable Trust, the Bermuda 2009 Committee, and Buy Back Bermuda each received a substantial donation to help finance various events throughout the Island next year.

Deputy chairman of the Bank of Bermuda Foundation David Hamshere said that he viewed 2009 as an excellent opportunity to celebrate Bermuda's culture.

"Arguably, 2009 is going to be one of the biggest celebrations of Bermuda in our lifetime," he said. "The Bank of Bermuda Foundation wants to be a part of that.

"We are proud of our history, our people, and the progress we have made in 400 years."

The events which the bank has helped financed with this donation include Tall Ships 2009, the 2009 Bermuda Tattoo, and a number of events organised by the Bermuda 2009 Committee.

Junior Minister of Culture and Social Rehabilitation, Senator Thaao Dill, thanked the bank for its contribution to the committee.

"The Bank of Bermuda Foundation's donation will go a long way to ensure that Bermuda 2009 is a success, and is a clear example of good corporate citizenship," said Sen. Dill.

The donation will also aid Buy Back Bermuda in its quest to purchase 11 acres of land, protecting it from development.

Mr. Hamshere, who used to work with the Bermuda National Trust, asked the Bank of Bermuda for a donation to preserve land in St. George's 20 years ago, resulting in a donation of $400,000. David Saul of Buy Back Bermuda was happy to see the bank helping to continue the work.

"The bank showed the way with that donation 20 years ago about the importance of preserving Bermuda's open spaces," said Mr. Saul.

"From small seeds grow big trees," said Mr. Hamshere.