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Banned rider is fined $2,000 for being on the road and lying to the Police

A 19-year-old who drove while disqualified and lied to Police, faces 100 days in prison if he fails to pay his fines.

Devon Hairston, of Spanish View Road, Smith's, was ordered to pay $2,000 for the offences.

The Spanish View Road, Smith's resident asked for extra time to pay, but Acting Senior Magistrate Khamisi Tokunbo refused.

"The fines have to be paid immediately or 100 days in default concurrently," said Mr. Tokunbo.

The teenager had earlier pleaded guilty to attempting to pervert the course of justice by giving officers a false name.

He also admitted driving while disqualified.

Magistrates' Court heard officers were conducting stop and searches on Sunday at the junction of Middle Road and South Road in Southampton around 3.10 a.m.

They stopped Hairston and asked if he had a driver's licence to operate a motorcycle. The teenager said he did, but it was not on him.

He told officers his name was Gregory Tucker the officers discovered there were outstanding warrants under that name.

The teen then confessed his name was actually Devon Hairston.

He was placed in a Police car where officers confirmed his true identity and found he was disqualified from all vehicles until 2012.

Yesterday, Mr. Tokunbo fined Hairston $1,000 for giving false information and $1,000 for driving while disqualified. Hairston was also given an additional six-month ban from the Island's roads.