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Bermuda's fisheries protection measures

Current Government protection of marine resources in Bermuda is as follows:The Fisheries (Protected Areas) Order, 2005, prohibits fishing from May 1-August 31 in the South Western Area and the North Eastern Area.This is to protect spawning aggregations of Red Hind, Groupers and other species.

Current Government protection of marine resources in Bermuda is as follows:

The Fisheries (Protected Areas) Order, 2005, prohibits fishing from May 1-August 31 in the South Western Area and the North Eastern Area.

This is to protect spawning aggregations of Red Hind, Groupers and other species.

The Fisheries (Protected Areas) Order, 1990, created year-round protected areas at 29 dive sites around the Island.

Line fishing, spearfishing and lobster diving are banned at these sites, under penalty of fines/imprisonment.

The Coral Reef Preserves Act, 1966, makes it an offence to remove or damage plants and animals, alive or dead, in the South Shore Coral Reef Preserve and the North Shore Coral Reef Preserve. Line fishing is permitted in these Preserves.

In addition, the Fisheries (Protected Species) Order, 1978, prohibits the taking of the following species within the 200 mile Exclusive Economic Zone: marine turtles; marine mammals (all species of whales, dolphins, porpoises); molluscs; and all types of chorals.

The Nassau Grouper, Red Grouper, Mutton Hamlet, Yellowfin Grouper, Gag Grouper and Tiger Grouper are protected year-round, as are 13 types of Parrotfish.

Current fishing restrictions are a year-round bag limit of one fish per species per boat per day for Yellowmouth Grouper and Black Grouper.

A recreational bag limit of 30 fish per boat per day is in place for Lane Snapper, while only ten Red Hind per boat per day may be taken between May 1 and August 31.

There are also minimum size requirements for certain fish and minimum weights and lengths for certain pelagic species.

For more information, contact: the Department of Environmental Protection on 293 5600 or the Department of Conservation Services on 293 7705.