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Bikers damage $14m Port Royal Golf Course work

Earthwork: Progress at Port Royal Golf Course has been set back by damage caused by dirt bikers to a number of the holes.

Work at the Port Royal Golf Course has been set back by dirt bikers scrambling over parts of the property, bringing a rebuke from Premier Ewart Brown last night as he urged bikers, including pedal bikers, to stay off the course.

Two almost completed holes at the public course, hole numbers four and five, have been "significantly setback" after dirt bike riders rode over the turf, according to a statement issued by the Premier's office.

Dr. Brown said he is urging all residents neighbouring the golf course to keep off it temporarily as it undergoes $14 million of renovations.

The affected holes, numbers four and five, run alongside the Spring Benny Road neighbourhood.

Premier Brown said: "Dirt bikes, or even bicycles, exert major damage to the restoration effort. We need it to stop immediately.

"The course at Port Royal is public open space, nearly impossible to fully protect from passersby. So the best we can do is implore neighbours, in the strongest possible terms, to stay off the course during this sensitive period. I especially ask parents to talk to their children about not using the course as a play area during the renovation period."

Signs had been posted around the course but many have been toppled or vandalised, said the Premier's statement, adding that fencing and security staffing are being explored as possible options.

Work site managers have also asked pedestrians not to walk across the course for the time being. Often people will use the golf course to shorten the length of their walk.