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Bolden fraud trial delayed

The trial of a couple facing fraud charges relating to their company, Emerald Financial Capital, has been delayed once again.

David and Antoinette Bolden face 24 charges of stealing and money laundering over funds allegedly taken from the company between May 2007 and January 2009.

They are further alleged to have knowingly issued misleading documents, and filed information to the Bermuda Monetary Authority (BMA) which was false and misleading, between September 20 and October 20, 2008.

They were charged with those offences in March.

They deny the allegations, but their trial has been repeatedly delayed due to their inability to secure legal representation.

Yesterday, lawyer Delroy Duncan told Chief Justice Richard Ground he wants to represent the couple, but they've not been able to arrange financing to pay him.

Mr. Justice Ground expressed concern over the delay in holding the trial, telling Mr. Duncan "we need to get it on".

He urged the lawyer to continue working on the issue, as he wants the couple to have legal representation.

Meanwhile he listed the case for another hearing on September 1 to get an update on the situation, and bailed the couple until then.