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BPSU members unhappy with 1.5% increase

Bermuda Public Service Union (BPSU) members are unhappy with the 1.5 percent pay increase but have accepted it as a way to curb Government spending.

Salary negotiations for 2009/2010 between Government and the BPSU came to a close yesterday but despite the almost nine percent increase that was expected, members were forced to settle for 1.5 percent.

More than 2,200 members were given the increase.

But BPSU President Armell Thomas said he will be watching Government to see whether or not it is prepared to make cuts just like his union has.

"The members will never be happy with a 1.5 percent due to a proposed increase of almost nine percent in the budget. We're back in negotiations and my members are going like watchdogs.

"If there is any hiring of consultants and things like that, the members will want to meet. We look at this 1.5 percent as Government is tightening its belt. Well if they don't tighten their belt, they're going to see me and I won't be pleased.

"The workers are accepting the 1.5 percent. I am looking for MP's and the Ministers to do the same thing. Not every member was in favour of this 1.5 percent but democracy is prevailing and I hope that the Government in going forward will set an example."

Mr. Thomas continued: "If the Government continue to bring in consultants, I will show up with the membership and I will not allow these people to go back to work until its sorted. If the workers continue to tighten their belts and the Government doesn't tighten its belt, we will be showing up in force.

"I'm not taking this very lightly. Government has to cut back the same way that we have to cut back.

There were two meetings during the negotiations led by Carlita O'Brien for the Government and Ed Ball Jr. for the BPSU.

The matter was referred to mediation on 12th January 2010, as a result of the membership declining Governments proposal of a 1.5% salary increase during a secret ballot held on 17th December 2009.

The salary increase for 2009/2010 will result in all employees receiving a flat dollar monthly rate increase for the 1st October 2009 to 30th September 2010 period.