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. . . but UBP mocks it green card' scheme

not voting rights -- to long-term residents who have made contributions would work against Bermudians, it was claimed yesterday.

The scheme would double the number of work permit holders in Bermuda, said Home Affairs Minister the Hon. Irving Pearman.

He questioned how the PLP could state in its party platform that it would maintain "a strictly enforced moratorium on the granting of Bermudian status''.

The PLP had not thought the proposal through, Mr. Pearman said. A green card would simply be a "precursor'' to getting Bermuda status.

"It's giving people rights to live here and work here as long as they like,'' he said. "The reality is, it would work against Bermudians. Bermudian students would come back to Bermuda not even knowing if a job was available.'' Going by the 1991 census, nearly 4,000 people would be eligible for the PLP's green card, he said.

Mr. Pearman, joined by Finance Minister the Hon. David Saul, was speaking at a UBP Press conference.

Mr. Pearman said the UBP would make sure there were jobs for Bermudians through strict work permit controls and training.

He anticipated doubling the number of Bermudians in landscaping and office cleaning jobs by 1996.

Dr. Saul charged a Progressive Labour Party government would be "learning on the job''.

Dr. Saul said the PLP's platform "violated fundamental economic polices''.

"You can't spend it until you earn it. The people of Bermuda don't want to play Pindling economics.''