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CableVision caught by surprise as staff take action

More than a dozen CableVision staff were prompted to take industrial action on Friday.Sixteen staff members failed to report for work — however the dispute was said to be resolved by the end of the day.The strike was believed to have been sparked by a fellow worker being dismissed by management. A CableVision spokeswoman would not comment on the dispute, other than to say workers should be back on the job this morning.

More than a dozen CableVision staff were prompted to take industrial action on Friday.

Sixteen staff members failed to report for work — however the dispute was said to be resolved by the end of the day.

The strike was believed to have been sparked by a fellow worker being dismissed by management. A CableVision spokeswoman would not comment on the dispute, other than to say workers should be back on the job this morning.

Company general manager Terry Roberson said on Friday: "We can confirm that 16 Bermuda CableVision staff members, out of 72 employees, have not yet reported for work today, however, work continues on post-hurricane restoration to resolve issues being experienced in individual homes as a result of damage caused by Hurricane Igor.

"At this time, we have not been advised that industrial action has been declared by these particular employees and we have not been informed by the union of any strike action, which requires a 21-day notice.

"It is disappointing that these employees have chosen a time like this to be absent from work just as the Island is trying to return to normal operations following Hurricane Igor."

President Chris Furbert, of the Bermuda Industrial Union, could not be reached for comment last night or on Friday.