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Cambridge Beaches granted tax breaks

Cambridge Beaches has been granted land, hotel occupancy and payroll tax exemptions running into hundreds of thousands of dollars.

The hotel however, must comply with marketing and employee training guidelines issued by Tourism Minister and Premier, Dr. Ewart Brown. The Hotels Concession (Cambridge Beaches) Order 2008 was approved by the Premier on the grounds the redevelopment "is in the national economic interest of Bermuda".

It enables developer The Frascati Hotel Co. Ltd. to benefit from three years' exemption from land tax to a maximum annual $55,970, and employers' payroll tax on hotel staff equal to the amount spent on training Bermudians, up to $46,225 per year. The Cambridge Beaches re-development will also benefit from a year's exemption on hotel occupancy tax, to the equivalent spent on marketing, to a maximum $126,800.

Hotel occupancy tax also gets a reprieve for one year equal to 50 percent of the money spent on Bermudian entertainers, up to a maximum $74,500. To qualify for the concessions however, the developer must "comply with guidelines on the marketing of the hotel issued by the Minister" and provide annual audited accounts on marketing, entertainment and staff training. The Frascati Hotel Co. Ltd. must also "comply with guidelines on the training of Bermudian employees issued by the Minister".