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Charities should re-evaluate if they meet Island's needs

Charities must re-evaluate if they are meeting the current needs of the community as violence rocks the Island, according to a charitable organisation.

The Centre on Philanthropy recently asked some of its 400 charity clients to participate in a discussion on ways the non-profit sector could effectively tackle the social ills facing Bermuda.

According to Executive Director, Pamela Barit Nolan non-profits should concentrate their efforts on programmes making a positive difference and cut those that are not.

She said: "Non-profits have to be brave and make changes to meet current needs. They should do more research in the areas of the community they are trying to serve and be sure that programmes are actually meeting the current needs of the constituents."

Ms Nolan continued: "Non-profits should try new solutions or bring back old ones that might be better suited to the current time and space we are in today. Ask your volunteers to be more involved, ask your board to provide stable but innovative leadership and work hard to ensure that your organisation is prepared to face the community's current needs.

"The Bermuda community has survived many challenges. The current issues are severe and some we have never faced before, but with faith, focus, positive energy and collective hard work, we can and will make a difference."

The Centre, an organisation established in 1991 to meet the need for effective and efficient voluntary action in Bermuda, is currently working with The Royal Gazette's on the paper's 'Dare to Care' campaign which aims to encourage members of the community to carry out acts of kindness. The Centre is also working to get 4,000 new volunteers registered at www.volunteer.bm by August in celebration of the Island's 400th Anniversary.