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College holds Community Service Day

The Bermuda College held its first Community Service Day last week when almost half the college's employees traded in their marking pens for cleaning rags.

They cleaned kitchen tiles, weeded gardens, baked cookies and did a variety of other chores and College President, Dr. Duranda Greene, who also participated in the day, said: "Based on the reports received to date it was a huge success and everyone had lots of fun. It was also a learning opportunity for many of us as we found out things about our colleagues that we may not have known before.

"We saw an English lecturer demonstrate her culinary skills, and a mathematics lecturer become a scientist for a couple of hours. Many comedians flourished as we worked, while others exhibited great management skills in directing and supervising."

Facilities that were assisted during the day, on May 6, included The Haven (Teen Services), the Women's Resource Centre, the Sunshine League, Matilda Smith Willliams Seniors Residence, the Packwood Home, Lefroy House, Lorraine Rest Home and the Sylvia Richards Care Facility.