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Come and see the hurricane hunter storm-chasing plane

Hurricane hunters: USAF Reserve 53rd Weather Reconnaissance Squadron's C-130 Hercules.

Members of a special team of pilots that fly into hurricanes to measure weather data will be in Bermuda next month.

The public will have the opportunity to tour the USAF Reserve 53rd Weather Reconnaissance Squadron's C-130 Hercules aircraft on March 19.

The group is travelling to the Island as part of a hurricane awareness event sponsored by Government and businesses.

Bermuda Weather Service director Mark Guishard said: "This event is free of charge and will allow school children and members of the public to tour a C-130 Hercules 'Hurricane Hunter' aircraft; meet the USAF Reserve crews who fly into hurricanes and talk with the National Hurricane Center meteorologists that predict these dangerous and fascinating storms."

In 1951 a squadron of hurricane hunters was based in Bermuda but then moved to Burtonwood, England in 1954. One flight continued to operate from Bermuda until 1955.

On March 18, 1960, the Air Force discontinued the squadron for a year-and-a-half. The squadron rose again at Kindley Field, Bermuda but soon returned to the United States first to Georgia and then Puerto Rico.

The event will take place Friday, March 19 from noon to 6 p.m. at the BAS-Serco offices (the old Clearwater Fire Station) on Southside Road, St. David's.

• To arrange a school class tour, or for further details, send an e-mail: hurricaneawareness@weather.bm.