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Cruise ship passenger with cannabis in cabin is fined $1,500

An American cruise ship passenger caught with weed in his cabin was fined $1,500 in Magistrates' Court.

George Koumoulis, from Raking Leaf Drive in Abingdon, Maryland, admitted importing 7.66 grams of cannabis into the Island on July 22.

Crown counsel Nicole Smith said the 37-year-old was on the cruise ship Norwegian Dawn when it arrived at Heritage Wharf in Dockyard last week.

She said passengers complained they smelled cannabis coming from the room the financial analyst shared with his brother.

Cruise ship staff went to investigate and found Koumoulis inside.

They also discovered two Ziploc bags containing an unknown substance, and three packages of cigarette papers.

Police were informed of the offence. Questioned by officers, Koumoulis admitted the drugs were his.

He was then taken to Somerset Police Station where the drugs were secured in an evidence bag.

Yesterday in Magistrates' Court he said: "It was a very, very stupid mistake and I apologise to the courts."

Acting Senior Magistrate Khamisi Tokunbo replied: "It is a mistake that is worth $1,500 that has to be paid immediately or three months in default."