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Culture minister 'disappointed' at Filipino community's Bermuda Day stance

Culture Minister Neletha Butterfield yesterday said she was "disappointed" the Filipino community had decided to withdraw from the Bermuda Day Parade.

The decision to withdraw came because Filipino women felt they could be subjected to public ridicule and verbal abuse claiming allegations that they were brought to Bermuda for sham marriages had left them feeling vulnerable.

Ms Butterfield said: "I would say I am very disappointed and I was hoping that they will rethink. We will keep their spot right up until the last moment."

The Association of Filipinos in Bermuda said earlier this week a decision by Immigration Minister David Burch to bring in new visa requirements for citizens of the Philippines, Dominican Republic and Panama to crack down on women being brought to Bermuda as prostitutes or as wives in "sham marriages" has caused "untold amounts of abuse to be directed at Filipino women".

The association wrote a letter to the Minister saying they would not take part in the parade.

Bermuda Day will take place May 24. Festivities on the day include the parade and the Bermuda Half Marathon Derby.