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Deputy Governor honours W&E staff

Deputy Governor Mark Capes is hosted a party to say thanks to the Government blue collar workers from Parks, Works and Engineering.

In a generous gesture to show appreciation to blue collar workers and their hard work, Deputy Governor, Mark Capes held a thank you lunch for them.

It was held on the lawn at Mr. Capes' home, Montpelier, in Devonshire, and staff from the Department of Works and Engineering and the Department of Parks were invited as a thank-you for maintaining the gardens and buildings surrounding the property.

Mr. Capes said the home, which dates back to the early 18th Century took a lot of maintenance. "Being so old there is always some bit of it that needs painting, fixing or replacing," he said.

"During our two years in Bermuda my wife and I have got to know many of the carpenters, painters, electricians and plumbers at Works and Engineering who regularly attend to address the various problems that pop up.

"And, of course, we know very well the Parks Department team based at the Arboretum, who do an outstanding job caring for the garden.

"So we thought it only right that we should pause to say a sincere thank you to all those who help to care for Montpelier."

At the event, on Friday, the Deputy Governor and the civil servants also took time out to recognise and applaud the selfless community service of two students, Malcolm Outerbridge, 15, of CedarBridge Academy, and Chez Harvey, 14, of Learning Express. Special needs worker, Oliver Kennedy, who has been with the Parks Department since the age of seven, was also among these gaining recognition.