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Drink-driver gets fine and road ban

A Somerset man admitted to driving while more than two times over the legal alcohol limit when he appeared in Magistrates' Court yesterday.

Anthony Outerbridge, 35, of Littleholme Lane, had 195 milligrams of alcohol per 100 millilitres of blood on April 26 in Pembroke. The legal limit is 80 mg per 100 ml of blood.

The court heard that Police were on patrol heading south on Court Street when they saw a cycle swerving, narrowly avoiding the parked cars in the road.

The rider appeared to stop the cycle to let a pillion passenger off and was subsequently approached by Police.

When asked, Outerbridge admitted he had been drinking that night and said: "I've had three." Police also smelt intoxicating liquors on his breath and ordered him to take a breathalyser test at Hamilton Police Station.

In court yesterday Outerbridge maintained the only reason he was stopped was because the passenger on his bike jumped off when he saw Police following behind them.

Outerbridge was fined $1,000, given ten demerit points and disqualified from driving for 12 months for the offence. He was given until September 25 to pay the fine.