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Driver was four times drink-drive limit

A man who was driving with almost four times the legal limit of alcohol, was banned from the Island's roads when he appeared in Magistrates' Court yesterday.

Eric Euguene Wallace, 38, of Cheriton Lane, in Pembroke, admitted to drinking and driving on July 24 on Mullet Bay Road, in St. George's.

The court heard that Police on patrol in the Tiger Bay area spotted Wallace driving a Subaru Impreza car. Police watched as Wallace approached the corner at high speed and followed behind him as he entered the eastbound lane along Mullet Bay Road.

They turned on their flashing lights and after Wallace stopped his vehicle they saw that he was unsteady on his feet, smelt of liquor, that his eyes were glazed and his speech was slurred.

They asked him if he had been drinking and he said no. Wallace initially refused to take a breathalyser test, but on the way to Hamilton Police Station he agreed, the court heard.

The test revealed he had 313 milligrams of alcohol per 100 millilitres of blood. The legal limit is 80 mg per 100 ml.

Wallace was fined $1,000 for the offence, disqualified from all vehicles for 12 months and given ten demerit points by Senior Magistrate Archibald Warner.