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Fourth man charged with Curving Avenue assault

Accused: Troy Burgess outside Magistrates' Court. He has been charged with aggravated burglary and unlawful wounding in Curving Avenue last month.

A fourth suspect has been charged in connection with a burglary and serious assault which left a man in need of staples in his face and head.

Troy Burgess, 21, appeared at Magistrates' Court yesterday accused of aggravated burglary and unlawful wounding at Curving Avenue, Pembroke, on June 17.

Burgess is alleged to have stolen $5,000 in cash, a gold chain worth $3,500, a $500 gold pendant, five gold bracelets worth $2,500, a $1,000 Toshiba laptop, two PlayStations worth $850 and a $250 gold and stud earring.

The prosecution also accuses him of wounding Jahdean Gibbons with intent to do grievous bodily harm and being in possession of a firearm, knife and bottle.

Burgess, a construction worker, of Princess Street, Pembroke, did not enter pleas yesterday and was remanded in custody until Monday, when he will appear in court with three others facing charges related to the alleged attack.

His co-accused are Detre Ford, 16, Clarke Fox, 17, and a 15-year-old boy who cannot be identified for legal reasons.

Burgess was also charged yesterday with an April 25 robbery and assault in Hamilton Parish.

He denied attacking Tareek Somner and stealing a $100 wallet, plus an HSBC card, $37 in cash and a Blackberry cell phone worth $500.