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Furbert sees 'pure politics' behind Simons' code of conduct move

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Motion: Cole Simons is calling for a code of conduct for Parliamentarians.

Independent MP Wayne Furbert has slammed the United Bermuda Party for engaging in "pure politics" after the Opposition tabled a motion in the House yesterday calling for the adoption of a code of conduct for Parliamentarians.

The former Opposition leader condemned the motion, tabled by UBP whip Cole Simons last Friday, as "inappropriate" in light of a similar review currently underway by Mr. Simons' colleague John Barritt and PLP MP Dame Jennifer Smith in their role as heads of the Rules and Privileges Committee.

Mr. Simons' proposed code of conduct will be aimed at making Government "more responsive, more open and more accountable", according to the motion.

The code of conduct will include a list of principles MPs must adhere to, including the declaration of private interests and an obligation to transparency. Parliamentarians will be expected to "make choices based on merit" and "submit themselves to whatever scrutiny is appropriate to their office."

"We must remove the veil of disillusionment that the community and country has about the conduct and effectiveness of our Parliamentarians," Mr. Simons said in a press statement.

Mr. Furbert told The Royal Gazette that because of Mr. Barritt's well-known interest in reform and good governance, the choice of his colleague Mr. Simons to table this code of conduct motion should be viewed with suspicion.

"It is ironic to me, knowing John Barritt, that he was not the one to lay this motion down," he said. "This tells me something is wrong. Why not wait until John Barritt and Dame Jennifer Smith come forward with their recommendations so the House can debate them and move forward? This was pure politics. [The UBP] are rushing it for political reasons, and they will continue to fail," he said.

However, Mr. Simons defended his decision to table the motion before the completion of Mr. Barritt's review, adding that the code of conduct was intended "to complement and support the endeavours of the Rules and Privileges Committee".

"This is not meant to undermine them whatsoever," he said. "Their report is limited to the House of Assembly. Mine has a broader appeal, in the House, community and Bermuda at large."

He said the choice of timing for this motion was based on recent government corruption allegations in the UK and Turks & Caicos.

"You have what's going on in Great Britain with MPs' expenses, and look at Turks & Caicos," he said. "I am saying you have to define expected behaviours for MPs."

Mr. Barritt refused to confirm whether or not he had been consulted before this motion was tabled, but added: "Wayne is making a very good point."

He told The Royal Gazette that he and Ms Smith are in the final stages of their own Rules and Privileges Committee review, which is expected to make similar recommendations to those tabled by Mr. Simons.

"I'm sorry [the review] has taken so long," Mr. Barritt said. "It is more work than I anticipated, and Dame Jennifer Smith and I are doing it on our own time and our own dime."

n More House reports in tmorrow's Royal Gazette

Not needed: Independent MP Wayne Furbert has called Cole Simon's motion 'inappropriate' in view of another review currently being conducted.