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Homicide rate stats

Annual homicides in Bermuda (murder and manslaughter)2009 = 62008 = 5

Annual homicides in Bermuda (murder and manslaughter)

2009 = 6

2008 = 5

2007 = 3

2006 = 1

2005 = 2

2004 = 3

2003 = 3

2002 = 3

2001 = 4

Murder victims — 2009

1. St. Clair McDonald Augustus — badly burned body found — April 6

2. Kenwandee (Wheels) Robinson — shot dead — May 22

3. Shakeya DeRoza — died of multiple injuries allegedly inflicted by Jermaine Wellington Pearman — July 10

4. Kumi Harford — December 5 — shot dead

5. Garry (Fingaz) Cann — December 15 — shot dead

6. Shane Minors — December 17 — shot dead

Firearms offences

2009 = 21 (up to the end of September)

2008 = 19

2007 = 12

2006 = 8

2005 = 14

2004 = 16

2003 = 17

2002 = 12

2001 = 9

* Statistics from Bermuda Police Service