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House may need to be vacated

MPs could soon be forced to evacuate the House of Assembly to allow workmen to get on top of mounting maintenance issues.

Friday's morning session had to be adjourned for around 30 minutes to allow fans to be set up because the air conditioning had broken down.

Government MP Jennifer Smith told The Royal Gazette that the list of woes included plumbing and wiring.

"They can't do it while we are here.

"Whether or not our break will be long enough for the things they need to do is debatable."

One plan would be to wait until the Supreme Court was moved out to its new location across the road so House sittings could then be moved downstairs while work was carried out.

"But they may have to move us sooner than that," said Dame Jennifer.

"They already know about it, they have a plan but it has really gotten worse."

The building dates back to the early 1800s.

Dame Jennifer added: "You can't keep adding new technology onto the structure without changing the fundamentals so it can take them. That's the point we have reached."