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Island facing 'crisis' with teen diabetes rate

Bermuda's teenagers are on the verge of a diabetes "crisis", according to the new educator at the Bermuda Diabetes Association.

Sara McKittrick was appointed as the Diabetes Educator and is sponsored by the Argus Group to help the organisation focus on both clinical and community education initiatives.

She said she's looking forward to working with "out of the box" ideas for tackling the obesity epidemic, but warned that children need to be educated about the risk at an early age.

"We are at the tip of the iceberg when it comes to a crisis with our youth. On a recent sailing trip for youth at risk of diabetes, we did screening," she said.

"A 14-year-old should not have high blood pressure. One third of the kids on the boat had high blood pressure and three or four had higher then normal glucose levels.

"What will their health look like at 30 or 40? We have certainly reached a point where it's time to act now."

That's why on a case by case basis, Mrs. McKittrick will develop and implement school education programmes and work with the Government's Healthy Schools team.

Mrs. McKittrick, who is a registered dietician with 14 years of clinical experience, will also provide support and education for students or young persons with diabetes.

Other programmes Mrs. McKittrick said she hopes to develop is a kids component to the successful 100 Day Challenge, which was launched this year.

The Challenge was initiated through a multi-organisation to encourage teams of people to get healthy and lose weight.

Mrs. McKittrick said she will also continue to develop the corporate ambassador programme through lunchtime learning sessions by helping companies to create a healthy working environment.

There will also be several BDA screenings and events including an annual camp designed for children with type 1 diabetes and diabetes education courses.

Gerald Simons, president and chief executive officer of the Argus Group, said: "The Argus Group is committed to improving the health of the people of Bermuda and assisting with the fight against diabetes.

"I am confident that Sara will make a significant contribution to the education of the community about this deadly disease. We are delighted to be sponsoring this initiative."

Trevor Madeiros, Chairman of the Board, Bermuda Diabetes Association, says: "Sara has a strong passion for diabetes and the Bermuda Diabetes Association is very fortunate to have her on board.

"We think she will make a positive impact in the community by educating people on this life-altering disease. We hope that Sara will help us to get one step closer to a healthy Bermuda."

Mrs. McKittrick added: "People are aware of diabetes in Bermuda but I would like to see people taking that to a personal level in how they cane make a difference in their families."