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It's your destiny, Smith tells youth

Opposition Leader Jennifer Smith last night told young people at a forum the coming election was "their date with destiny''.

She was speaking at the national Youth Council's second forum with party leaders at the Bermuda College.

Ms Smith said the theme for the forum -- What's in it for me? Youth and Politics -- was an excellent opportunity for adults to discuss issues with young people.

She said: "These forums are taking place in a particularly important period in Bermuda's history. I challenge you to challenge your friends to participate.'' Ms Smith said that under a PLP government, a fully integrated and equitable education system would be a priority.

Immigration policy would change so that there is a direct connection with the granting of work permits and employment opportunities.

She promised a "real war'' on crime and drugs and would work to rehabilitate the hard core criminal element in society.

Ms Smith said although the public school curriculum has a black history element in practice, it is not taught.

She added: "What students see in their classrooms is not reality'' When questioned from the audience about her party's stand on Independence, Ms Smith said although the party was founded with it in mind, it was not on the present platform.

"We made a promise that we would wait five years and maybe revisit it,'' she said. "No it is not an issue. Not for the next five years. We don't break our promises.'' Speaking about comments made by her running mate in St. George's North, Deleay Robinson, that black Bermudians have been waiting for 400 years "to exhale'', Ms Smith said Bermuda was close to a time where people are not afraid to vote PLP.

"What did he mean? He meant the chains are off, but we just do not know it,'' she added to loud applause.