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Japanese take close look at Bermuda

explore the Island and take what they observe back to thousands of clients in the US and Japan.A spokesman from the Tourism Department, which with the Princess hotels is hosting the group,

explore the Island and take what they observe back to thousands of clients in the US and Japan.

A spokesman from the Tourism Department, which with the Princess hotels is hosting the group, said it was hoped that the tour operators would "create an opportunity for Japanese travel to the Island''.

The group, which will stay at the Southampton Princess, includes seven tour operators directly from Japan and others who work out of the New York and Los Angeles areas.

Also travelling with the party is a Japanese television crew who, in addition to filming the Island, will record a Japanese mock wedding on Friday at Camden, the Premier's official residence in the Botanical Gardens.

This will be followed by a reception, hosted by Premier the Hon. Sir John Swan and Lady Swan, at Camden.

Some of the highlights of their visit will include a speech on Thursday morning in the Atlantic Room of the Southampton Princess by Tourism Minister the Hon. C.V. (Jim) Woolridge on Bermuda as a destination of choice and a round of golf at Port Royal Golf Course in Southampton on Friday.

The group is expected to leave the Island on Sunday.