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Jobson's Cove reopened after 'sea snake' scare

Jobson's Cove was reopened yesterday after it was closed on Friday due to a possible sea snake sighting.

The Department of Parks issued an update on the sighting of an unidentified amphibious creature, possibly a snake, in the water off Jobson's Cove in South Shore.

A park ranger on duty at Jobson's Cove said there has been no additional sightings of the suspected snake and as a result the closed signs were removed from the beach.

The Department does have the right to re-close Jobson's Cove or any other beach in the vicinity if there are any other confirmed sightings.

Swimmers and park users are still being requested use caution and report any unusual sightings to the Department of Parks on 236 5902 or the Aquarium on 293 2727.