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Join the Duck Derby, help the hospice and maybe win a trip to Disney World

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Get set: The Duck Derby in 2006 in St. George's. This year the fun race will again raise funds for Agape House.
Love a duck! Friends of Hospice needs your help to raise $150,000 for Agape House.By sponsoring an entry in this year's Rubber Duck Derby you will not only be supporting the hospice, but have the chance of winning a holiday to Disney World and other exciting prizes.The yellow flotilla takes to the waters of St. George's on June 7. Sponsored by Belco, people pay a nominal amount to adopt a duck, with the winners scooping prizes such as holidays, spa treatments, grocery vouchers, electrical and sporting goods.

Love a duck! Friends of Hospice needs your help to raise $150,000 for Agape House.

By sponsoring an entry in this year's Rubber Duck Derby you will not only be supporting the hospice, but have the chance of winning a holiday to Disney World and other exciting prizes.

The yellow flotilla takes to the waters of St. George's on June 7. Sponsored by Belco, people pay a nominal amount to adopt a duck, with the winners scooping prizes such as holidays, spa treatments, grocery vouchers, electrical and sporting goods.

This year's top prize in the family race is a holiday for four to Disney World, Florida, with flights and accommodation included.

The family day out sees more than 5,000 rubber ducks take to the water near Ordnance Island to compete in a 40 yard dash in four themed races.

Last year the community's participation helped to raise $150,000. Friends of Hospice hopes to match that this year to help make the lives of terminally ill patients that little bit more comfortable.

Agape House is the Island's only hospice and offers palliative care for 12 patients plus support to families.

The Rubber Duck Derby is the Friends of Hospice's biggest fundraiser and helps pay for amenities to enhance the quality of life for the seriously ill, such as Christmas, Easter and birthday celebrations.

Erica Fulton, the charity's volunteer and fundraising coordinator, said this year's event has more than 100 prizes on offer.

"The Rubber Duck Derby is a great family day out with a really fun atmosphere," said Miss Fulton. "We are really grateful to Belco for sponsoring the event. Without them it really couldn't happen."

The 13th Annual Rubber Duck Derby Youth Race is $5 to enter, the Pamper Me race $10, the Family race $20, and the Corporate race $150.

Contact 232 0859 for more information.

Love a duck: Race a duck next month and raise money for Agape House and the opportunity to win a trip to Disney World
Love a duck: Race a duck next month and raise money for Agape House and the opportunity to win a trip to Disney World