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Kim Swan

The approval rating for Kim Swan remains consistent, with 28 percent of voters having a favourable impression of the Opposition Leader.

While this marks a two percent decrease in popularity since October, those polled who reported having an unfavourable impression fell by ten percent, from 33 percent to 23 percent.

However, only eight percent of 18 to 34-year-olds had a good impression, with 23 percent not in favour and 25 percent undecided.

Whites and voters over the age of 55 were more likely to approve of Mr. Swan. Fifty-three percent of 55 to 64-year-olds had a good impression.

Among whites, almost half 49 percent, were in favour, compared to just a fifth 21 percent, of blacks.

Among black voters, 32 percent did not have a good impression of Mr. Swan. However, in the last quarter this figure was 43 percent, suggesting his popularity has picked up slightly in this demographic.