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Malika is helping others to find love

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Cupid: Malika Taylor who just started her own matchmaking business.

On Valentine's Day, you may think that all cupid requires is a pair of wings and some love arrows to aim at unsuspecting couples.

Bermudian Malika Taylor, who recently became Bermuda's only internationally certified matchmaker, knows it's not so simple. She has now set up her own business, Bermuda Matchmaker.

To become accredited she had to undertake self-study, write a business plan, and take a written exam.

And what would cupid be without a website www.bermudamatchmaker.com in the modern age?

But for Mrs. Taylor it is all worth it if she can help more people on the Island find romance.

"I thought this could really benefit relationship-minded individuals," she said. "The bar scene gets a bit dated.

"You have to scream and shout a conversation over the loud noise. We forget other influences that are there. The website gives people direct access to other people who are looking to find love."

Already her website has over 100 members 60 percent are active on the website.

"People from other countries can join," she said. "Bermuda is a very diverse population. We have people who may not be based in Bermuda for 365 days a year, but live in Bermuda for almost half a year.

"I didn't want to discourage those people who have an interest in Bermuda from meeting people in a place that they love."

The website is confidential. No e-mail addresses, or contact information is exchanged until both parties are ready. And so far interest in the website has really taken off.

"The Bermuda population is made up of very sophisticated individuals," said Mrs. Taylor. "It doesn't surprise me that the website is so popular. You can do it from the comfort of your home, it is safe, and people want to take control right now. There is a lot of uncertainty right now, and people are taking the time to focus on what is important in life."

A former job recruiter, Mrs. Taylor already had ten years of experience working in the corporate matchmaking arena before she started her company.

On the matchmaking accreditation exam, she had to answer to the question 'Do you believe in love at first sight?'

Mrs. Taylor wrote: "Absolutely."

She found the love of her life at a scavenger hunt a few years ago.

"I was put on a team with my girlfriend who was also single at the time," she said. "I asked the organisers if they could put some eligible bachelors on our team.

"I was thinking of my friend, not myself, of course. My husband, Ryan, who is not from Bermuda, was put on the team. Being a scavenger hunt, they let us women give all the direction."

She said that her team didn't win the scavenger hunt, but she did get to take home the best prize of all — new found love.

Through her new matchmaking business she hopes to soon begin organising similar events for singles.

"I am working with some other singles' groups in Bermuda to put on some events," she said. "We have been busy with the launch of the website, so we think we will do one in March. We are open to options."

For those who need a little more help than a website, Mrs. Taylor is offering off-line services.

"That gives people a personalised approach to meeting the person of their dreams," she said. "The on-line approach is more of a do-it-yourself approach to connect with other people who are relationship minded.

"We don't counsel. Typically, what matchmakers do is partner with counsellors or relationship coaches to add ancillary services for their clients."

As part of the personal package, Mrs. Taylor has teamed up with her mother, Trudy Snaith, a professional image and etiquette consultant.

"This is just to give you a couple of tips before going on the first date and meeting someone special," Mrs. Taylor said.

"Everyone has a different experience. That is what matchmaking is all about, understanding what someone's needs are and matching it to the appropriate individual.

"This is similar to hiring a personal trainer if you want to get fit. People hire a matchmaker when they want help with their love life."

She said the advantage to using this as opposed to an American dating website is the locality.

"On the other websites people would meet someone on the on-line dating websites, but they would be in another country. With Bermudamatchmaker.com you know that this individual is also living within 21 square miles of you.

"When your relationship does become a success, you don't have to move to another country for love. You can find it right here."

She said the cost of the personal consultation depends on the person's situation.

"There isn't one flat rate, because everyone's situation is different," she said. "Some people need a little more hand holding than others."

And she said, so far they have seen more women interested in their services than men.

"I am always interested in speaking to eligible bachelors," she said. "There are a lot of fantastic eligible women in Bermuda who are looking to find love."

For more information, visit the website, send an e-mail, malika@bermudamatchmaker.com ,or telephone 532-5683.

Cupid: Malika Taylor who just started her own matchmaking business.