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Man gets 13 years in prison for drugs, guns plot

Kershun Dublin

A 25-year-old who plotted to bring drugs, guns and ammunition into Bermuda was yesterday jailed for 13 years.

Puisine Judge Carlisle Greaves sentenced Kershun Dublin to ten years' imprisonment for conspiring to import four firearms and more than 160 rounds of ammunition.

He received a further three years' imprisonment for attempting to bring $25,000 of cannabis into the Island.

Dublin was initially charged with two others in the plot. He pleaded guilty in the final stages of a September trial, clearing the names of his co-defendants Arthur Vanlowe-Dill, 45, and Justin Calderon, 25.

The court case revolved around an orange metal toolbox that was purchased and mailed to Bermuda from Florida by an unidentified person or persons in April 2008.

A Customs sniffer dog alerted to the parcel when it arrived in a DHL courier box at the airport on April 28.

Dublin did not explain his involvement in the plot after he changed his plea. He would only say that Mr. Vanlowe-Dill and Mr. Calderon had no knowledge or involvement.

In Supreme Court yesterday Crown counsel Robert Welling said: "He plotted to bring four guns, one of which was semi-automatic, all of which had ammunition capable of killing."

Dublin's lawyer Marc Daniels stressed his client was a father-of-two with a history of gainful employment.

Mr. Justice Greaves stressed the growing concern about the dramatic rise in violence, particularity gun violence, on the Island.

"The public is in a rage," he said. "We have seen more gun violence in the last two years than in the whole of the previous eight.

"This is a case in which four lethal weapons were imported an armoury of rounds cleverly concealed in the feet of an innocent looking toolbox.

"This is the type of operation that should concern anyone in the community.

"If this is the direction of the youth of our society, then our work and our problems have only just begun."

Dublin was jailed for three years for conspiring to import cannabis.

Mr. Justice Greaves ordered it to run consecutively with an additional ten years' imprisonment for conspiring to import firearms. Dublin received a further ten years for conspiring to import the ammunition. The gun and ammunition sentences are to run concurrently.

Time already spent imprisoned will be taken into account.