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Man gets one year in prison for having sex with girl

A 19-year-old man was jailed for a year after admitting having sex with a 13-year-old girl three times.

Danai Burns, of Mullet Bay Road, St. George's, was told his actions could cause devastating psychological damage to the victim when he was sentenced at Supreme Court on Friday.

Angry Puisne Judge Carlisle Greaves told Burns it was his responsibility to avoid the temptation of the youngster, even if she was a willing partner in their relationship. Crown counsel Nicole Smith said the pair first met in November 2006 in the City of Hamilton. Four months later, Burns asked her if she would be his girlfriend.

They later communicated by cell phone, and the victim — described by Ms Smith as a petite girl who looked her age — told him she was 13. At the time, he was 18. Ms Smith said the couple would meet in Hamilton on many occasions.

They had sex in Pembroke on three occasions over the next few weeks, and at least once Burns did not use a condom. Calling for a sentence of 12 to 18 months in prison, Ms Smith said: "Society needs to be protected from persons like the defendant, whose offence could have appalling psychological damage."

Charles Richardson, defending, said he could not argue against such a sentence.

Asked if he wanted to say anything in his defence, Burns replied to Mr. Justice Greaves: "I should have just used my better judgment. I made a mistake. I apologise to the courts and to the female's family. I apologise to you for wasting your time."

Mr. Justice Greaves rebuked him: "It's not so much about sex with a young girl. Young men in their teens will be expected to be attracted to girls, even at that age, 13, and it must be at that time a great struggle to avoid the temptation of getting involved with young girls.

"I know it's often expected that you engineer sometimes the behaviour of these young ladies, but she too seemed to be a very willing subject in the situation and seemed to pursue it as much as you did once the initial approach has been made. Men, even at your age, must wear a greater burden than those young girls to avoid this kind of behaviour between yourselves."

Highlighting the importance of safe sex, the judge continued: "For both of you, instead of it being chlamydia, it could have been worse. It could have been 'A' 'I' 'D' with an 'S' — and that spells death."

Burns, whose previous convictions included assault causing actual bodily harm and possession of cannabis, was sentenced to 12 months in prison for each of the three counts of sex with a 13-year-old girl. The sentences will run concurrently, with Mr. Justice Greaves explaining he will be out "in a few months".

He was given a further two years' protection order to follow probation report directives.