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Man leaned into a Police car and swore

A man leaned into a Police car and swore at an officer who asked him to get out of the road, a court heard.

Pierre Sarolea, 30, admitted using offensive words when he appeared at Magistrates' Court yesterday.

The court heard officers saw the defendant standing in the middle of Front Street outside Bermuda Bistro at the Beach in the early hours of May 5.

As they pulled alongside him in their patrol car and asked him to move out of the way, Sarolea said: "F*** off".

Senior Crown counsel Carrington Mahoney said the incident happened at 2.20 a.m. as officers were heading west along Front Street.

"They saw a man standing in the middle of the road in front of a taxi, in front of the Beach bar," he said.

"They asked the defendant to get out of the road but he leaned in the window of the Police car towards the driver and told them to 'F*** off'.

"The officer cautioned him he could be arrested for using offensive words but again he told them to 'F*** off'. He then started to walk off. The officer told him again he could be arrested for using offensive words and he said, 'Why are you treating me like this?'

"He was once again warned he was committing an offence and was taken to Hamilton Police Station and detained."

Pleading guilty to the offence yesterday, Sarolea, of Devonshire, said: "I'm sorry for what happened."

Magistrate Juan Wolfe told him: "You must be quite brazen to lean inside a Police car and tell them to 'F*** off'."

He replied: "I'm sorry for what happened that night. I was mad at someone else."

Mr. Wolfe said: "A Police officer was the last person you should have taken it out on, wasn't it?"

He gave Sarolea a three month conditional discharge.